How much does vanlife cost?

How much does vanlife cost?

Tips on how to budget and calculate costs for your own fulltime vanlife adventure.

Living in a van, camper or motorhome is no different to living in a house. You have a range of fixed (known/recurring) costs and you have variable and unknown costs. To start budgeting we advise looking at your fixed costs and understanding if they transfer from your existing lifestyle into vanlife. If you pay for some items annually we suggest blending these into your monthly costs. For example, if you spend £800 on your van insurance, budget £66 a month for it (£800/12 months). By blending your costs throughout the year you should allow yourself to go under/over budget slightly as your travel style fluctuates month to month for example. Month 1 you book a ferry to mainland EU, you might not have this cost again for 11 months.

Fixed Costs:

Variable Costs:

Unknown Costs:

Running Total: